This course provides students with information regarding the symptoms, causes, and treatment of what is generally recognized as abnormal behavior. Students will be expected to think critically about the research evidence with regard to various explanations and treatments of mental illness, and to develop clinical rationale for diagnostic choices they might make as a hypothetical treatment provider. Additionally, students will become familiar with the major assessment index for psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers (DSM-5-TR) and learn how to apply its categories to several client cases discussed in class.
Prerequisites for UNE Undergraduate Students:
Undergraduate level PSY 105 Minimum Grade of C- or Undergraduate level PSY 250 Minimum Grade of C-
Students will be able to:
This course is required for all Psychology majors and is one of the core cognate areas in Psychology. It is acceptable as a List B elective for NEU majors, and is an acceptable upper division psychology elective for ANB majors and psychology minors. Additionally, PSY 205 is required for all SWK Majors, MHRT and Art Therapy minors. Both the SWK program and the MHR minor align with certification standards for both the LSW and MHRT/C certifications in the state of Maine.
Assignments: There will be one paper due over the course of the semester worth 100 points toward your final grade. This paper is designed to meet LO #5 and requires them to apply content learned in the course. Pre-Power Point quizzes: Research indicates that students retain material more effectively if they read the material, take a pre-lecture quiz, and then experience a lecture, or in our case, the power point slides that correspond with each chapter. Therefore, each student will be taking the pre-power point quizzes for each chapter located in each weekly folder and labeled by chapter. In order to get the power point slides, you must complete the pre-lecture quizzes for the chapter. This necessitates you reading the chapter, then taking the quizzes. At the end of the term, the average quiz score on all 15 quizzes will be used in your final grade computation, so guessing is not a good idea, and you can only take the quiz once. Exams: There will be three equally weighted non-cumulative exams each consisting of 50 multiple choice questions. I will not re-open tests after the due date. Please remember that you have chosen to take an online course, so not having access to a computer is not an acceptable reason for missing a test. If you are unable to take a test due to an illness, emergency, or technical issue (for instance losing power during a thunder storm) you must let me know immediately and provide documentation of the special circumstance. Tests are timed (50 minutes) and will close when the time is up. If you qualify for extended time on exams due to a documented disability, please contact me ASAP. You will not be able to go back and check your work once the test closes so please plan accordingly. Tests will become available by 6:30 am on the due date and go away at 11:59 pm on that same day. You will not be able to retake a test. If for any reason a test gets submitted before you finish it you must contact me BY CELL PHONE immediately so I can reset the test for you. This should only happen in RARE circumstances. Having another browser window open during a test is not permitted. |
Grade | Points Grade | Point Average (GPA) |
A | 94 – 100% | 4.00 |
A- | 90 – 93% | 3.75 |
B+ | 87 – 89% | 3.50 |
B | 84 – 86% | 3.00 |
B- | 80 – 83% | 2.75 |
C+ | 77 – 79% | 2.50 |
C | 74 – 76% | 2.00 |
C- | 70 – 73% | 1.75 |
D | 64 – 69% | 1.00 |
F | 00 – 63% | 0.00 |
Your Student Support Specialist is a resource for you. Please don't hesitate to contact them for assistance, including, but not limited to course planning, current problems or issues in a course, technology concerns, or personal emergencies.
Questions? Email:
Check Brightspace for specific instructor and support specialist contact information.
Your student support specialist monitors course progression and provides assistance or guidance when needed. They can assist questions regarding ordering course materials, University policies, billing, navigating the course in Brightspace, and more.
To request an accommodation a student needs to go through the process with our UNE office. If the student has a current/already established accommodation in place with UNE it is the responsibility of the student to notify the program at to ensure it is applied properly.
If you need to inquire about a possible accommodation, please reach out to the Student Access Center by calling 207-221-4418 or send an email to
Online students are required to submit a graded assignment/discussion prior to Sunday evening at 11:59 pm EDT of the first week of the term. If a student does not submit a posting to the graded assignment/discussion by 11:59 pm EDT on Sunday of the first week, the student will be automatically dropped from the course for non-participation. Review the Student Summer Session Manual for full details.
Your course may have proctored exams. Please see the course for the exact exam requirements, test-taker guidance, proctoring format, and allowances (such as calculators or whiteboards, as indicated in the course).
Information about exam attempts can be found in your course.
Please review the technical requirements for UNE Online Programs: Technical Requirements.
A schedule of lectures and assignments is included in this syllabus.
Courses in the program are equivalent to one-semester courses designed to be completed in 6 or 12 weeks.
Please review the policies in your confirmation email. Contact with any questions.
Students are expected to attempt and complete all graded assignments and proctored exams by the end date of the course.
Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, only the student may request official transcripts. This may be done online by going to the University of New England Registrar website and following the directions on the page.
The University of New England values academic integrity in all aspects of the educational experience. Academic dishonesty in any form undermines this standard and devalues the original contributions of others. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the College. Penalties for students found responsible for violations may depend upon the seriousness and circumstances of the violation, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations. Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. Student appeals will take place through the grievance process outlined in the student handbook.