
Post Baccalaureate in Pre-Health

PHIL 1010: Introduction to Ethics – Accelerated – Fall A 2024

Credits - 3


This course introduces the major theories of normative ethics, emphasizing consequentialism, non-consequentialism, and virtue ethics. Further emphasis is given to applying these theories to perennial ethical dilemmas such as abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, and war. Students will complete weekly discussions, a midterm examination, and a final project. Upon completing the course, students should be able to navigate the various ethical theories, apply them critically, and articulate a vision of ethics, happiness, and the good life.



Various readings and multimedia are used in this course, but the following are the primary texts:

Matthews, G. (2020) Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics. Rebus Community.

Zaita, E.N. (2021). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University.


Compliant UNE-compliant webcam – To be used during proctored exams

The following resources will be useful during the course:

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University

Critical Thinking Web, University of Hong Kong

The Ethics Centre

Little Bad Thing Podcast

Ethics Unwrapped

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Oxford Character Project

How to Write a Philosophy Paper, Harvard University

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Students will:

  • Evaluate and interpret the major ethical systems 
  • Apply ethical theories to major dilemmas and reach a logical outcome while avoiding common fallacies 
  • Demonstrate critical thinking by exploring contemporary ethical problems
  • Construct and write original moral arguments 
  • Develop a vision of the personal and professional moral life



Each week you will complete a journal assignments. The intent of this assignment is to engage in personal reflection on a particular topic addressed during the week. It is an opportunity for reflection and application. 


Some weeks will include a discussion assignment where you will interact with your classmates. Each discussion will involve an initial in-depth post responding to a given prompt and substantive responses to classmates that carry the conversation forward. 


Projects will be either written assignments or presentations. Examples include short essays and PowerPoint presentations. 

Ethics in Film Paper

The ethics in film paper is an opportunity to apply ethical theory to a contemporary film. You will engage with a particular moral dilemma from a select list of films and provide a philosophical analysis in a paper. 

Major Assignments:

  • Mid-Term Exam

The midterm exam is a 50-question objective test (true/false, multiple choice, short answer) that covers the first half of the course, Weeks 1-4. This exam must be taken through ProctorU. See UNE’s ProctorU page for information about signing up and scheduling your exam. A-compliant UNE webcam is required. 

Please contact your instructor for specific feedback on the exam.

  • Final Paper

The final paper is a summative assignment that requires you to provide an in-depth moral analysis of a modern-day ethical dilemma. You will choose one option from a provided list of case studies.

Grading Policy

Your grade in this course will be determined by the following criteria:

Grade Breakdown

Assignment Category
Ethics in Film Paper20%
Major Assignments40%

Grade Scale

Grade Points Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 94 – 100% 4.00
A- 90 – 93% 3.75
B+ 87 – 89% 3.50
B 84 – 86% 3.00
B- 80 – 83% 2.75
C+ 77 – 79% 2.50
C 74 – 76% 2.00
C- 70 – 73% 1.75
D 64 – 69% 1.00
F 00 – 63% 0.00


Week 1: Sep 4 – Sep 10
Week 2: Sep 11 – Sep 17
Week 3: Sep 18 – Sep 24
Week 4: Sep 25 – Oct 1
Week 5: Oct 2 – Oct 8
Week 6: Oct 9 – Oct 15
Week 7: Oct 16 – Oct 22
Week 8: Oct 23 – Oct 29



Readings & Multimedia



Course Introduction 

  • N/A

Discussion: Introductions


Introduction to Ethics

Moral Relativism 

Discussion: Personal Dilemma 

Journal: My Personal Vision of Ethics 

Project: FGM

Journal: Moral Intuition


Divine Command and Natural Law Ethics 

Virtue Ethics 


Discussion: The Euthyphro Dilemma

Journal: Virtue and Happiness 

Project: Virtue Ethics 

Journal: Embracing Virtue Ethics 



Social Contract Theory 



Discussion: Social Contracts 

Journal: Being Selfish

Project: The Lifeboat Dilemma 

Journal: Life’s Tough Decisions 




Deontological Ethics 

Feminist Ethics

Discussion: Axe Murder

Journal: Moral Courage

Exam: Midterm 

Journal: The Meaning of Life 



Evolutionary Ethics 




Project: Evolutionary Theory 

Journal: My Personal Decision-Making Profile

Discussion: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Journal: Violence in the Human Experience


Animal Ethics

Technological Ethics 

Project: Is Animal Slaughter Acceptable? 

Journal: Consumer Ethics 

Discussion: The U.S. Patriot Act 

Journal: Technology and Humanity 


Medical Ethics

Abortion and Euthanasia 

Paper: Ethics in Film

Journal: Medical Ethics 

Project: Euthanasia

Journal: Professional Codes of Ethics 


Capital Punishment 

Ethics and Character 

Discussion: Capital Punishment 

Journal: Meta-Reflection

Final Exam: Case Study Paper 

Journal: Character Strengths Activity 

Student Resources

Online Student Support

Your Student Support Specialist is a resource for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact them for assistance, including, but not limited to course planning, current problems or issues in a course, technology concerns, or personal emergencies.

Instructor and Support Contact Information

Check Brightspace for specific instructor and support specialist contact information.

Further Assistance

Your student service advisor monitors course progression and provides assistance or guidance when needed. They can assist with questions regarding ordering course materials, University policies, billing, navigating the course in Brightspace, and more.

Student Lounge

The Student Lounge Discussion Board is a designated support forum in which students may engage with each other and grapple with course content. Feel free to post questions, seek clarification, and support each other, but be mindful of UNE’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Your instructor will monitor this forum. However, if you are seeking specific and timely answers to questions about course content or your personal grades, please contact your instructor via course messages. For questions about course materials, program policy, and how to navigate and proceed through the course, please contact your Student Service Advisor through the Student Portal.

Online Student Support

Your Student Support Specialist is a resource for you. Please don't hesitate to contact them for assistance, including, but not limited to course planning, current problems or issues in a course, technology concerns, or personal emergencies. Questions? Email:

Online Peer Support

Togetherall is a 24/7 communication and emotional support platform monitored by trained clinicians. It’s a safe place online to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively, and learn how to manage your mental health. If sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has other tools and courses to help you look after yourself with plenty of resources to explore. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low, or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. You can join Togetherall using your UNE email address.

Instructor and Support Contact Information

Check Brightspace for specific instructor and support specialist contact information.

UNE Libraries

Further Assistance

Your student service advisor monitors course progression and provides assistance or guidance when needed. They can assist questions regarding ordering course materials, University policies, billing, navigating the course in Brightspace, and more.


Attendance Policy

Online students are required to submit a graded assignment/discussion prior to Sunday evening at 11:59 pm ET of the first week of the term. If a student does not submit a posting to the graded assignment/discussion prior to Sunday evening at 11:59 pm ET, the student will be automatically dropped from the course for non-participation. Review the full attendance policy.


Late assignments will be accepted up to 3 days late; however, there is a 10% grade reduction (from the total points) for the late submission. After three days the assignment will not be accepted. Discussion posts: If the initial post is submitted late, but still within the discussion board week, there will be a 10% grade reduction from the total discussion grade (e.g., a 3 point discussion will be reduced by 0.3 points). Any posts submitted after the end of the Discussion Board week will not be graded. Please make every effort ahead of time to contact your instructor if you are not able to meet an assignment deadline. Arrangements for extenuating circumstances may be considered by faculty.

Proctored Examinations

Your course may have proctored exams. Please see your course for full details, access, testing requirements, and guidelines.

Students must follow all proctoring requirements for their exams to be credited. Please contact your instructor for specific feedback.

Exam Attempts Policy

Students will receive two attempts at all proctored examinations. The higher score of the two attempts will be calculated into the final grade.

All students are encouraged to use a second attempt on their exams in order to improve their overall performance in the course.

Information about exam attempts can be found in your course.

Technology Requirements

Please review the technical requirements for UNE Online Programs: Technical Requirements

Course Length

A schedule of lectures and assignments is included in this syllabus.

Courses in the program are equivalent to one-semester courses designed to be completed in 6 or 8 weeks.

  1. Enrollment in the course begins the day your section opens which is listed in the Academic Calendar found on the Student Success Portal.
  2. Course due dates, start and end dates are in respect to Eastern Time.

Withdrawal and Refund Policies

Please review the policies in your confirmation email. Contact with any questions.

Grade Policy

Students are expected to attempt and complete all graded assignments and proctored exams by the end date of the course. Contact support with any questions.


Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, only the student may request official transcripts. This may be done online by going to the University of New England Registrar website and following the directions on the page.

Academic Integrity

The University of New England values academic integrity in all aspects of the educational experience. Academic dishonesty in any form undermines this standard and devalues the original contributions of others. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating, copying, or the offering or receiving of unauthorized assistance or information.
  2. Fabrication or falsification of data, results, or sources for papers or reports.
  3. Action which destroys or alters the work of another student.
  4. Multiple submission of the same paper or report for assignments in more than one course without permission of each instructor.
  5. Plagiarism, the appropriation of records, research, materials, ideas, or the language of other persons or writers and the submission of them as one's own.

Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Program Director. Penalties for students found responsible for violations may depend upon the seriousness and circumstances of the violation, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations. Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. Student appeals will take place through the grievance process outlined in the student handbook.