
Graduate Programs in Public Health

GPH 740 Global Health – Spring 2021

Credits - 3


This course introduces you to critical issues in global health emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding global health problems. The concepts and issues of global health will be considered as well as emerging issues and future concerns. Selected critical global topics in such areas as maternal and child health, food security, environmental health, chronic disease, and infectious disease will be covered. 

Course Format

This course is facilitated through Blackboard, UNE’s online learning management system. The course will be delivered in 8 weekly online modules, with each module beginning on Wednesday at 12:01 am and ending the following Wednesday at 11:59 pm, except for the last week (Week 8), which will begin on Wednesday and end on Sunday. Students will watch online lectures produced by the lead instructor, engage in readings and other media provided by the lead instructor and field experts. Each section of this course will be facilitated by an instructor with significant professional and academic expertise in the area of study. Individual meetings with the course instructor will be the student’s responsibility to schedule.


  • Merson MH, Black RE, Mills AJ. Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning; 2012. ISBN:9780763785598

*See Blackboard for additional week-specific readings and media.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Public Health Competencies

FC 6. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels

FC 7. Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health

FC 8. Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs

FC 9. Design a population-based policy, program, project or intervention

FC 13. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes



Your original contribution (initial post) to a discussion must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST of the week it is assigned. A response to a colleague must be completed by Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST of the week it is assigned. If the initial post and response are not submitted within the discussion week you will be given a zero.

  • Weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 (4 points each)


  • Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (6 points each)
  • Week 7 Final Policy Brief (18 points)


  • Quiz 1 – 5 points       (12 questions)
  • Quiz 2 – 6 points       (15 questions)
  • Quiz 3 – 9 points       (9 questions)
  • Quiz 4 – 8 points       (19 questions)

Grade Scale

Grade Points Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 94 – 100% 4.00
A- 90 – 93% 3.75
B+ 87 – 89% 3.50
B 84 – 86% 3.00
B- 80 – 83% 2.75
C+ 77 – 79% 2.50
C 74 – 76% 2.00
C- 70 – 73% 1.75
D 64 – 69% 1.00
F 00 – 63% 0.00


Course Weeks

Each week opens on Wednesday at 12:01 AM Eastern Time. Each week closes on Wednesday at 11:59 pm ET, with the exception of Week 8, which ends on Sunday.

Week 1: Jan 6 – Jan 13
Week 2: Jan 13 – Jan 20
Week 3: Jan 20 – Jan 27
Week 4: Jan 27 – Feb 3
Week 5: Feb 3 – Feb 10
Week 6: Feb 10 – Feb 17
Week 7: Feb 17 – Feb 24
Week 8: Feb 24 – Feb 28

Weekly Schedule

*See Blackboard for required and suggested weekly readings.


Week 1: Introduction to Global Health

Weekly Outcomes

  • Explore some of the major global health issues facing the world today and how the SDGs address these.
  • Explain the key international actors in global health, the kinds of roles that they play and why global cooperation is needed.
  • Assess how global governance has changed since the Ebola outbreak and challenges that still remain in addressing global health emergencies.
  • Examine the social determinants of health which relate to a key global health issue in the world today, such as maternal mortality.


*Review the Final Project Document for detailed information about the policy brief due in Week 7.

  • Merson:
    • Intro
    • Ch. 17 (pp.853-861 and p. 878)
    • Ch. 4 (pp.149-162)
      • Chapter 4 PowerPoint
    • 740 Global Health Resources
    • The Millenium Development Goals Report 2015, (Read pages 3-9)
    • United Nations Report on the Sustainable Development Goals
      • Familiarize yourself with the 17 SDGs, especially #3 and its targets. The pdf files “Why it Matters” for each goal will be helpful for your policy briefs
    • Mackey T. The Ebola Outbreak: Catalyzing a “Shift” in Global Health Governance? BMC Infect Dis. 2016; 16: 699.
    • Health Security: is the world better prepared?


  • Social determinants of health
  • WHO Health Emergencies Program
  • Ending maternal mortality in Sierra Leone


  • Week 1 Lecture: What is Global Health?


  • Week 1 Discussion: Introduction and MMR in Sierra Leone 
    Original Contribution:

    First, introduce yourself. Include information about who you are, what you do, and what you hope to get out of the course.
    Second, answer the question, “ What surprised you about the documentary on the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Sierra Leone? Briefly discuss one of the social determinants of health which strongly affects the MMR in Sierra Leone.
    Response Post: Respond to the original contribution of at least one colleague.

    First, comment on their introduction (perhaps you have something in common or have questions about their role in public health).
    Second, respond to their answer regarding the MMR in Sierra Leone. Point out another social determinant of health which you feel strongly impacts the MMR in Sierra Leone. Briefly explain why this social determinant is important and include another SDG, besides #3, which addresses this social determinant.

  • Quiz 1


Week 2: The Burden of Disease

Weekly Outcomes

  • Explore the disease burden for some of the health conditions addressed by the SDGs.
  • Explain different ways to measure disease, such as DALYs.
  • Analyze the leading risk factors for deaths and DALYs in the world.
  • Analyze the leading causes of disease burden in the world.


  • Merson:
    • Ch. 1
    • Chapter 1 PowerPoint 
  • World Health Statistics 2017: Monitoring Health for the SDGs
    • Read Part 2, Annex A and skim the rest. Extremely helpful for this course and your policy brief. Note that SDG health related targets are given, as well as indicators to measure those targets.
  • Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet Volume 386, No. 10010, p2287–2323, 5 December 2015.
    • Read Summary/Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Figures 6 and 7 and Table on pp. 21 and 22. Skim the rest


  • Hans Rosling at Global Health, Beyond 2015
    • Please be sure to listen to the questions and answers at the end of the lecture (37 minutes)
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation boosts vital work of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), the Coordinating Center for the Global Burden of Disease Project


  • Week 2 Lecture: Burden of Disease

Recommended Reading

  • Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. The Global Burden of Disease: Generating Evidence, Guiding Policy. Seattle, WA: IHME, 2013.
    • Read the Overview and Conclusion, skim the rest of the report


  • Week 2 Discussion: Dr. Rosling

Original Contribution: For your discussion post this week, please answer ONE of the following questions dealing with the Hans Rosling video. When creating your thread, please make sure to include the number at the front of the title of the thread you create. (Example: 1: (Vietnam).

  1. “Vietnam” What does Dr. Rosling mean when he says, “Vietnam lives like the poor but they die like the rich?” Why does he focus on Vietnam to discuss the global burden of disease?
  2. “Poverty” Dr. Rosling says that eradicating extreme poverty should be the top priority in order to improve global health. He proposes that the “richest one billion in the world should share their wealth” in order to eradicate extreme poverty. Do you agree with this and think it’s feasible? What other measures would you propose in order to eradicate extreme poverty so SDG #1 is met by 2030?
  3. “Suicide” Dr. Rosling says that the leading cause of death for young women (15-19 years) in the world is suicide. Why do you think this is so? Are there any SDGs which address suicide among females, either directly or indirectly?
    Response Post: Does the student effectively argue his/her opinion? If yes, state why you agree. If not, explain what you think the student’s argument is missing. Ask a question about something he or she has stated in a post (or response) to get clarity or to push the discussion further.
  • Quiz 2


Week 3: Infectious Disease

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess some of the main infectious agents and vectors responsible for the world’s leading infectious diseases.
  • Assess ways to prevent and control infectious diseases.
  • Analyze how social determinants, such as poverty, can lead to the spread of infectious disease.


  • Merson: Chapter 5
    • Chapter 5 PowerPoint
  • WHO. World Malaria Report 2015. Geneva: WHO, 2015.
    • Review the executive summary and Key Points x-xv and scan the remainder of the report


  • Combating Malaria in Ghana (UNICEF)
    Ghana Black Stars in United Against Malaria Cheer Song (Voices for a Malaria-Free Future)


  • Week 3 Lecture: Infectious Disease


  • Week 3 Discussion: Peer Review

This week’s discussion is different from the other discussions in this course. Your original contribution post should be around 400-500 words.

Original Contribution: Post sections #3 and #4 of your policy brief.

Response Post: Respond to a colleague who has no responses from any other student. If someone has already responded to a colleague, you must choose a different post for your response. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their analysis of the nature and magnitude of their problem and persons most affected.

Is there some area you would like to know more about?
Ask about any other data you would want to know in order to understand the importance of the health issue your fellow student is studying.
Provide the student with a reference where he/she may find this data or a peer-reviewed study.
Refer to 740 Global Health Resources

  • Quiz 3 


Week 4: Noncommunicable Disease and Risks

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and their key behavioral risk factors.
  • Analyze some of the cultural, socio-economic, behavioral, and environmental factors responsible for these conditions.
  • Analyze the key SDGs which address non-communicable diseases.


  • Merson: Chapter 7
    • Chapter 7 PowerPoint 


  • Mental Health and the Global Burden Disease of Study 2010
  • Treating NCIDs-PIH Rwanda (Partners in Health)


  • Week 4 Lecture: Noncommunicable Disease and Risks


  • Week 4 Assignment: Policy Brief Sections #3 & #4

Taking into consideration the feedback from your instructors and peers, submit a revised version of sections 3 and 4.

Refer to the Final Project Document for detailed information.

Submit the following sections of your policy brief for instructor feedback:

#3 Introduction, Nature and Magnitude of the Problem
#4 Persons Most Affected
Maximum of 2 pages, excluding references
Use AMA style to accurately attribute Information and opinions of others

  • Quiz 4


Week 5: Nutrition and Food Security

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess the nutrition transition and some of the major factors changing dietary patterns in low and middle income countries.
  • Analyze  some ways in which food security is threatened in the world today.


  • Merson: Chapter 6
    • Chapter 6 PowerPoint Click for more options
  • Popkin BM, Adair LS, Ng SW. Global nutrition transition and the pandemic of obesity in developing countries. Nutrition Reviews. 2012;70(1):3-21.
  • Brown L. Could food shortages bring down civilization? Sci Am. 2009;300(5);50-57.


  • How a Village In Kenya Changed with the Climate (World Food Programme)
  • World Food Programme 2015 Hunger Map


  • Week 5 Lecture: Nutrition and Food Security


  • Week 5 Discussion: Food Shortages

Original Contribution: Based on the 2009 article in Scientific American, “Could food shortages bring down civilization?” Answer the following questions:

Do you think Plan B includes all the necessary components?
Do you think these components or goals will be met in 50 years? Why or why not.

Response Post: Does the student effectively argue his/her opinion? If yes, state why you agree. If not, explain what you think the student’s argument is missing. Ask a question about something he or she has stated in a post (or response) to get clarity or to push the discussion further.

  • Week 5 Assignment: Policy Brief Sections #5

This week’s essay focuses on your final project policy brief. Draw on previous modules, besides this week’s module. For example, Week 4 Noncommunicable Diseases/Risk Factors may be helpful.

Complete the following:

In a maximum of 2 pages (excluding references), discuss if poor nutrition is a risk factor for your health problem.
Then include the following section of your policy brief: #5 Major Risk Factors. Refer to the Final Project Document for detailed information.
DO NOT include the environmental factors of water, sanitation, war/conflict, globalization, climate change and access to health care/services since this will be part of the Week 6 assignment.
Use AMA style to accurately attribute Information and opinions of others


Week 6: Environmental Health and Climate Change

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess the health impact of climate change.
  • Assess the impact of unclean water and lack of sanitation on global health.


  • Merson:
    • Chapter 10 (pp.481-485 and pp. 500-529)
    • Chapter 10 PowerPoint 
  • Rogers P. Facing the freshwater crisis. Sci Am. 2008;299(2)46-53.
  • Krueger J, Biedrzycki P, Hoverter SP. Human health impacts of climate change: Implications for the practice and law of public health. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.2015;43(1 supp):79-82.
  • Narain JP. Unraveling the health impact of climate change. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2016; 143(1): 1-3.
  • Troubled Water: Burst Pipes, Contaminated Wells and Open Defecation in Zimbabwe’s Capital


  • Water and Sanitation: Everyone’s right (15 min)


  • Week 6 Lecture: Environmental Health and Climate Change


  • Week 6 Discussion: WASH Program in Zimbabwe

Original Contribution: Based on the required video, “Water and Sanitation, Everyone’s Right”:

Do you think the WASH program in Zimbabwe is sustainable? Why or why not?
Make two recommendations to make it either sustainable or more sustainable.
SDG#6 and class/outside readings will help answer this question.

Response Post: Does the student effectively argue his/her opinion? If yes, state why you agree. If not, explain what you think the student’s argument is missing. Ask a question about something he or she has stated in a post (or response) to get clarity or to push the discussion further.

  • Week 6 Assignment: Impacts on Policy Brief Health Problem

In a maximum of 2 pages (excluding references), discuss the following factors (when relevant) and how they impact the health problem of your policy brief:

Environmental factors of water and food insecurity
Lack of sanitation
Climate change
Access to health care and services
Use AMA style to accurately attribute Information and opinions of others.


Week 7: Children’s Health in Low and Middle Income Countries

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess some of the socio-cultural reasons and health disparities which adversely impact children’s health in low and middle income countries.
  • Assess some of the major ways to promote the health of vulnerable children affected by the Syrian conflict.


  • Merson:
  • Ch.11 (pp.571-576)
  • Hitting Rock Bottom: How 2016 Became the Worst Year for Syria’s Children

Recommended Readings

  • I Went to Greece To Help the Refugees Who Came in Search of a Better Life (Article in Bangor Daily News, 4/14/17 (by UNE Prof. Gunderman)


  • Week 7 Lecture: Children’s Health


  • Week 7 Assignment: Final Policy Brief

Refer to the Final Project Document for detailed information.

Submit your final policy brief

  • Week 7 Assignment: Diarrheal Disease Module

Complete the online module, Diarrheal Disease

This module will help you learn about the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of diarrhea, one of the leading causes of death in health emergencies and for children under five.

Upload the certificate of completion for this course or a screenshot of the page that confirms your completion of the final exam and score.


Week 8: Key Challenge in Global Health: Antimicrobial Resistance

Weekly Outcomes

  • Assess how AMR affects diseases of major public health importance
  • Analyze the impact of AMR on individuals, health systems, and society
  • Explore recent international efforts to contain AMR

Recommended Reading

  • Laxminarayan R, et al. “Antibiotic Resistance—the Need for Global Solutions.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 13.12 (2013): 1057-1098.
    • Read the abstract and review the remainder of the article for the main messages.


  • Week 8 Lecture: Key Challenge in Global Health: Antimicrobial Resistance


  • Week 8 Discussion: Original Contribution 

Original Contribution: Reflect on your experience during this course. How did this course change or confirm your previous ideas about global health? Use specific examples from the course to illustrate your reflection. Is there an area in global health you would like to study more or possibly find employment? If so, explain what that is. Discuss how your future work in public health, whether domestic or international, may be influenced by your understanding of global health.

Response post: Response post is not required.

  • Week 8 Assignment: Antimicrobial Resistance

Complete the online module, Antimicrobial Resistance

This module aims to improve the learner’s awareness and understanding of the basic principles of AMR, the impact AMR has on individuals and society, and why it is a major public health concern.

Upload the certificate of completion for this course or a screenshot of the page that confirms your completion of the final exam and score.

Student Resources

Online Student Support

Your Student Support Specialist is a resource for you. Please don't hesitate to contact them for assistance, including, but not limited to course planning, current problems or issues in a course, technology concerns, or personal emergencies.

Questions? Visit the Student Support Public Health page

UNE Libraries:

UNE Student Academic Success Center

UNE's Student Academic Success Center (SASC) offers a range of free online services to support your academic achievement. Writing support, ESOL support, study strategy and learning style consultations, as well as downloadable resources, are available to all matriculating students. The SASC also offers tutoring for GPH 712 Epidemiology, GPH 716 Biostatistics, GPH 717 Applied Epidemiology, GPH 718 Biostatistics II, and GPH 719 Research Methods. To make an appointment for any of these services, go to For more information and to view and download writing and studying resources, please visit:

Information Technology Services (ITS)

  • ITS Contact: Toll Free Help Desk 24 hours/7 days per week at 1-877-518-4673


Any student who would like to request, or ask any questions regarding, academic adjustments or accommodations must contact the Student Access Center at (207) 221-4438 or Student Access Center staff will evaluate the student's documentation and determine eligibility of accommodation(s) through the Student Access Center registration procedure.

Online Peer Support

Togetherall is a 24/7 communication and emotional support platform monitored by trained clinicians. It’s a safe place online to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively, and learn how to manage your mental health. If sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has other tools and courses to help you look after yourself with plenty of resources to explore. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low, or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. You can join Togetherall using your UNE email address.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Students should notify their Student Support Specialist and instructor in the event of a problem relating to a course. This notification should occur promptly and proactively to support timely resolution.

ITS Contact: Toll-Free Help Desk 24 hours/7 days per week at 1-877-518-4673.

Career Ready Program

The College of Professional Studies supports its online students and alumni in their career journey!

The Career Ready Program provides tools and resources to help students explore and hone in on their career goals, search for jobs, create and improve professional documents, build professional network, learn interview skills, grow as a professional, and more. Come back often, at any time, as you move through your journey from career readiness as a student to career growth, satisfaction, and success as alumni.


Passing Grade Statement

A grade of 80% or higher is required to pass the course. A grade lower than 80% will result in you having to repeat the course. Obtaining two "Fs" in the program will result in dismissal from the program.

AMA Writing Style Statement

The American Medical Association Manual (AMA) of Style, 11th edition is the required writing format for this course. Additional support for academic writing and AMA format is provided throughout the coursework as well as at the UNE Portal for Online Students.

Online resources: AMA Style Guide

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Statement

Learning to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly and ethically is an important skill in today’s society. AI is not a substitute for developing and enhancing skills in creativity, logic, critical thinking, analysis, evaluation, theorization, and writing essential to a public health professional. If you choose to use AI tools, such as ChatGPT and DALL-E2, they must be used wisely and intelligently to deepen your understanding of a subject matter and support learning. You are not allowed to use AI tools to generate your work. Content produced using AI tools cannot be used as a substitute for your original work.

Students in the Graduate Programs in Public Health (GPPH) must take ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of AI-generated content used in any work. You are expected to think critically about the results and alignment with the questions or tasks in the assignment and never substitute AI-generated results for professional human judgment and logic. GPPH students are also expected to understand that the information generated is not always accurate and, in some cases, propagates discrimination and bias. You must stay abreast of AI best practices, and the changing risks and benefits, and monitor AI for biases and risks for vulnerable populations and underrepresented groups.

Within GPPH, using AI-generated content in academic work falls under our academic integrity policies. All instructors will continue to use our AI detection software for each assignment submitted so it will be flagged.

Using any AI tool in your work must be acknowledged in-text every time it is used, not in your list of references. You will include a summary of what the AI tool was used to do, followed by the AI tool brand name, version/extension #, manufacturer/owner, and date used in parentheses.

For example, 

Themes from participant responses were identified using a chatbot session (ChatGPT, model GPT-4, OpenAI, May 17, 2024).

Failure to acknowledge the inclusion of AI-generated content in any work submitted violates our academic integrity policies and will be considered an infraction with the associated penalties for plagiarism as outlined in the Student Handbook.

The Student Orientation has a module "Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Students", please refer to this module for more information about navigating the use of AI.

Turnitin Originality Check and Plagiarism Detection Tool

The College of Professional Studies uses Turnitin to help deter plagiarism and to foster the proper attribution of sources. Turnitin provides comparative reports for submitted assignments that reflect similarities in other written works. This can include, but is not limited to, previously submitted assignments, internet articles, research journals, and academic databases.

Make sure to cite your sources appropriately as well as use your own words in synthesizing information from published literature. Webinars and workshops, included early in your coursework, will help guide best practices in APA citation and academic writing.

You can learn more about Turnitin in the guide on how to navigate your Similarity Report.

Technology Requirements

Please review the technical requirements for UNE Online Graduate Programs: Technical Requirements

Course Evaluation Policy

Course surveys are one of the most important tools that University of New England uses for evaluating the quality of your education, and for providing meaningful feedback to instructors on their teaching. In order to assure that the feedback is both comprehensive and precise, we need to receive it from each student for each course. Evaluation access is distributed via UNE email at the beginning of the last week of the course.

Late Policy

Students are responsible for submitting work by the date indicated in Brightspace.

Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes and tests must be completed by the due date. They will not be accepted after the due date.

Assignments: Unless otherwise specified, assignments will be accepted up to 3 days late; however, there is a 10% grade reduction (from the total points) for the late submission. After three days the assignment will not be accepted.

Discussion posts: If the initial post is submitted late, but still within the discussion board week, there will be a 10% grade reduction from the total discussion grade (e.g., a 3 point discussion will be reduced by 0.3 points). Any posts submitted after the end of the Discussion Board week will not be graded.

Please make every effort ahead of time to contact your instructor and your student support specialist if you are not able to meet an assignment deadline. Arrangements for extenuating circumstances may be considered by faculty.

Student Handbook Online - Policies and Procedures

The policies contained within this document apply to all students in the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. It is each student's responsibility to know the contents of this handbook.

Student Handbook

UNE Course Withdrawal

Please contact your Enrollment and Retention Counselor if you are considering dropping or withdrawing from a course. Tuition charges may still apply. Students are strongly urged to consult with Student Financial Services, as course withdrawals may affect financial aid or Veterans benefits.

Academic Integrity

The University of New England values academic integrity in all aspects of the educational experience. Academic dishonesty in any form undermines this standard and devalues the original contributions of others. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable. For information about plagiarism and academic misconduct, please visit

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating, copying, or the offering or receiving of unauthorized assistance or information.
  2. Fabrication or falsification of data, results, or sources for papers or reports.
  3. Action which destroys or alters the work of another student.
  4. Multiple submissions of the same paper or report for assignments in more than one course without permission of each instructor.
  5. Plagiarism, the appropriation of records, research, materials, ideas, or the language of other persons or writers and the submission of them as one's own.

Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Program Director. Penalties for students found responsible for violations may depend upon the seriousness and circumstances of the violation, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations.  Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. Student appeals will take place through the grievance process outlined in the student handbook.