This two part, six credit practicum course will closely examine a wide range of assessment and instructional methods to support the literacy development of struggling readers. These courses will involve working closely with an onsite mentor, a learning community of students, and a UNE instructor. This collaboration will support the student as he/she develops an intensive tutorial relationship with a K-12 student who is struggling in literacy. During both Reading Diagnosis and Instructional Intervention the teacher will engage in the administration of a variety of reading assessments to better understand the student’s literacy needs. The teacher will collaborate, create and implement literacy programming that builds on this diagnosis with the goal of moving the student forward in their literacy development. Please note that this course is divided into 8 two week modules.
For each course in this program there are overall program goals. Below is a chart of how the overall program goals match the key assessments for this course. In addition, in each module there are smaller learning objectives. These will be specified at the beginning of each week’s introduction along with how these match the broader program goals. This chart will detail the following:
Course Objectives |
Student Learning Outcome |
Key Assignments |
IRA Standards for Reading Professionals |
INTASC standards |
Demonstrate the ability to administer, examine, evaluate and reflect on a variety of literacy assessments as they are directly connected to data- driven instruction and literacy achievement |
Teachers will administer a variety of literacy assessments to determine student literacy skills. |
Identify, assess and schedule tutoring Meet with onsite mentor to review plan Case study part 1 |
Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation |
Standard 6 (c, g, j, l, o, t) |
Analyze and use assessment data to examine and create an appropriate intervention plan |
Teachers will collect and review data from assessments to inform them about their students’ literacy development and instructional practice. |
Video tutoring session meet with onsite mentor at end of module 2 |
Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation |
Standard 6 (c, l, j, g, o, t) |
Use assessment to guide systematic instruction and to select appropriate traditional print, digital and online reading resources |
Teachers will develop and implement an intervention plan based on literacy assessment and developmental needs. |
Tutoring Video progress monitoring Modify instruction as needed |
Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge Standard 2: curriculum and instruction |
Standard 6 (a, b, j, k, r, t) |
Demonstrate a clear connection between assessment results and intervention plan. |
Teachers will use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge and reading-writing connections |
Class project centered on student need Meet with professional to review plan |
Standard 2: Curriculum and instruction |
Standard 6 (g, l, o, t, c) Standard 7 (d, e, i) |
Collaborate with others to modify instruction and plan and re- evaluate based on observation and assessment results. |
Teachers will demonstrate the ability to modify interventions, as needed , to suit the unique needs of every learner. |
Documentation using practicum activity log and case study Demonstrate the use of reading, colleagues, mentor and specialist |
Standard 1: foundational knowledge Standard 2: Curriculum and instruction Standard 5: Literate environment |
Standard 7 (d) |
Class Discussions/Reading (3 points each) Each week will have a specific focus, but you should always feel free to share and ask questions of one another in these threads. You will be expected to post an initial post in response to the thread prompt and then to interact with others at least 6 times throughout the two week module.
Assessment and Tutoring Video Project (25 points) You will be tutoring a student who has presented particular challenges in the development of reading skills. You will schedule three half hour sessions per week which will begin at the start of Module 2. These sessions will run until the middle of Module 8. This will give a total of 19.5 hours of tutoring over 13 weeks. These sessions are the heart of this class so be sure to choose your student carefully and to set up your schedule mindfully.
Practicum Activity Log (25 points) You will document your tutoring sessions using the Practicum Activity Log. You will also use this log to document your meetings/sessions with your onsite mentor and will record any collaborative meetings/observations during the course. This log will be used as a daily record of your practicum activity and will be kept throughout the 16 week class. You will share this log, through the discussion board, with your colleagues and online instructor during the second weeks of Module 3 and Module 5 so that we can share ideas and provide feedback to one another.
Case Study (15 points) You will be asked to document your student’s needs through a case study format. This will be no longer than 5 pages so be brief. It is meant to be an overview and it’s purpose is twofold. It will be a way to reflect on best practice and will help your online instructor to “connect” with your particular student.
Literacy Project (10 points) You will choose one to complete during the clinical practice courses: Professional Reading, Classroom Visits, or a Video Reflection Project.
Professional Growth Reflection (5 points) During module six you will reflect on your growth as a literacy professional. You will write a brief (2-3 page) reflection which will include a reflection on your tutoring experience thus far. You will also include what you have learned through your class project and class observation.
E-Portfolio (14 points) As a culminating activity, you will create an E-Portfolio using a Web 2.0 tool (GoogleSites is recommended) to showcase at least THREE assignments that you feel best reflect your growth as a reading specialist. Provide the selected assignments and include a very brief paragraph or two explaining why you chose each particular assignment.
Your grade in this course will be determined by the following criteria:
Assignment | Point Value (100 total) |
EDU 749: 3 Discussion Board Threads (3 points each) | pass/fail |
EDU 750: 2 Discussion Board Threads (3 points each) | 6 |
EDU 750: Assessment and Tutoring Videos with Narrative | 25 |
EDU 750: Practicum Activity Log | 25 |
EDU 750: Case Study | 15 |
EDU 750: Literacy Project | 10 |
EDU 750: Professional Growth Reflection | 5 |
EDU 750: E-Portfolio | 14 |
Grade | Points Grade | Point Average (GPA) |
A | 94 – 100% | 4.00 |
A- | 90 – 93% | 3.75 |
B+ | 87 – 89% | 3.50 |
B | 84 – 86% | 3.00 |
B- | 80 – 83% | 2.75 |
C+ | 77 – 79% | 2.50 |
C | 74 – 76% | 2.00 |
C- | 70 – 73% | 1.75 |
D | 64 – 69% | 1.00 |
F | 00 – 63% | 0.00 |
NOTE on EDU 749 FALL 2015 A/B:
Modules 1 – 4 take place in 749. There are only 3 graded items (discussion boards). While you will be assessed on your posts using the 3-point rubric, the final grade for the course will be Pass or Fail.
This is only a tentative schedule and is meant to give you a bird’s eye view. The activities and assignments may change at the discretion of the instructor.
Weeks |
Topics |
Activities & Assignments |
Dates |
1 & 2 Module 1 |
Introductions Use of assessment to guide instructional planning |
Discussion Meet with mentor/choose student/obtain permissions Begin case study Read Chapters 1 and 2 Practicum activity log Begin thinking about E-Portfolio |
Due: Sept 13, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
3 & 4 Module 2 |
Meet student needs through individualized tutoring plan |
Discussion Meet with mentor and schedule video sessions (required during modules 3, 4 and 6) Practicum activity log |
Due: Sept. 27, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
5 & 6 Module 3 |
Modify instruction based on ongoing monitoring, assessment and observation |
Discussion Video one tutoring session Read Chapters 3 and 4 Continue case study Post practicum activity log to discussion |
Due: Oct. 11, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
7&8 Module 4 |
Use of professional resources and colleagues |
Video one tutoring session Begin Class Literacy Project Practicum activity log |
Due: Oct. 25, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
9 & 10 Module 5 |
Deepen understanding of current and best literacy practices |
Discussion Submit Class Literacy Project Observe professional colleague Read chapters 5 and 6 Post practicum activity log to discussion |
Due: Nov. 8, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
11 & 12 Module 6 |
Demonstrate growth as a reading professional |
Video one tutoring session Submit Professional Growth Reflection Work on Part lV of case study Practicum activity log |
Due: Nov. 22, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
13 & 14 Module 7 |
Demonstrate growth as a literacy professional |
Discussion Submit edited video and narrative Read chapters 7 and 8 practicum activity log |
Due: Dec. 6, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST |
15 & 16 Module 8 |
Self analysis and reflection |
Submit practicum activity log Submit completed case study Submit E-Portfolio |
Due: Dec. 18th, 2015 at 11:55 p.m. EST (Friday due date!) |
Any student who would like to request, or ask any questions regarding, academic adjustments or accommodations must contact the Student Access Center at (207) 221-4438 or Student Access Center staff will evaluate the student's documentation and determine eligibility of accommodation(s) through the Student Access Center registration procedure.
Togetherall is a 24/7 communication and emotional support platform monitored by trained clinicians. It’s a safe place online to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively, and learn how to manage your mental health. If sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has other tools and courses to help you look after yourself with plenty of resources to explore. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low, or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. You can join Togetherall using your UNE email address.
Students should notify their Student Support Specialist and instructor in the event of a problem relating to a course. This notification should occur promptly and proactively to support timely resolution.
ITS Contact: Toll-Free Help Desk 24 hours/7 days per week at 1-877-518-4673.
The College of Professional Studies supports its online students and alumni in their career journey!
The Career Ready Program provides tools and resources to help students explore and hone in on their career goals, search for jobs, create and improve professional documents, build professional network, learn interview skills, grow as a professional, and more. Come back often, at any time, as you move through your journey from career readiness as a student to career growth, satisfaction, and success as alumni.
The assessments in this course were designed to meet a number of objectives. First, some of the assignments are created to gauge your active participation in the course. Unlike face-to-face courses where we can visibly monitor your engagement- in this course we need to use things like discussion boards points to make sure that you are an active participant with this material. There are also some assignments that are created to give you an opportunity to synthesize what you are learning and create a new product to demonstrate this learning. In addition you will be asked to participate in a writer’s workshop to allow you to have a foundation for modeling your own life with your students. The assignments in the class have been carefully constructed to match the content in the course and to grow your learning as a literacy professional.
For each day an assignment is late, five points (5) will be deducted from the final score.
There are times, however, when a late assignment may be accepted by a professor without a deduction but only if this has been cleared with the instructor before the assignment is due. Also, instructors reserve the authority to make this decision about accepting late assignments on a case by case basis. In addition, every assignment must be completed. If an assignment is not turned in it will lose points until it is submitted.
Also under some circumstances a student may be able to redo an assignment given the instructor’s discretion. However, when an assignment is redone it cannot receive full points and must be completed within one week of receipt of initial grade.
Maintaining a high quality graduate program is a commitment of UNE. In doing so the university believes that the grade of an A should be reserved for exceptionally strong academic performance. Students who provide exactly what a rubric requires are different from those who do the same but go beyond the basic requirements in writing, expression of ideas, and integrated information; the exemplary students. In this course an A will be only given to students who exhibit exemplary work. Each assignment will have a rubric that establishes what an exemplary performance would look like for each task. Instructors will be looking for this exemplary work and will not be handing out A’s for those who just merely meet the expectation.
This is an online course and therefore will be using technology to deliver instruction. Each week there will be a guiding question that will drive the readings, the response, and the activities.
There will be a number of ways that you will participate through this course as well as a number of ways that you will be assessed. When new technology is introduced there will be a tutorial provided to help you understand how to access this tool. We do have the expectation that you will have access to high speed internet that will allow you to download and view audios, videos, and web tools.
What students can expect of me:
Learning is a two way street and while the instructors have responsibilities in this class to deliver quality instruction, grade your assignments in a timely fashion, answer questions and support when needed; you as a student also has responsibilities. First, this is your learning experience and you need to be a proactive learner, however, there will be times when you have questions.
There are a few ways for you to receive assistance when you need help.
What I expect of you:
6- to 8-week courses: Students taking online graduate courses through the College of Professional Studies will be administratively dropped for non-participation if a graded assignment/discussion post is not submitted before Sunday at 11:59 pm ET of the first week of the term. Reinstatement is at the purview of the Dean's Office.
10+ -week courses: Students taking online graduate courses through the College of Professional Studies will be administratively dropped for non-participation if a graded assignment/discussion post is not submitted before Friday at 11:59 pm ET of the second week of the term. Reinstatement is at the purview of the Dean's Office.
The policies contained within this document apply to all students in the College of Professional Studies. It is each student's responsibility to know the contents of this handbook.
Please contact your Enrollment and Retention Counselor if you are considering dropping or withdrawing from a course. Tuition charges may still apply. Students are strongly urged to consult with Student Financial Services, as course withdrawals may affect financial aid or Veterans benefits.
The University of New England values academic integrity in all aspects of the educational experience. Academic dishonesty in any form undermines this standard and devalues the original contributions of others. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable. For information about plagiarism and academic misconduct, please visit UNE Plagiarism Policies.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Program Director. Penalties for students found responsible for violations may depend upon the seriousness and circumstances of the violation, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations. Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. Student appeals will take place through the grievance process outlined in the student handbook.