
Master of Science in Applied Nutrition

APN 625 Nutrition Practice for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Summer B 2023

Credits - 3


Nutrition and health promotion and the role of nutrition in disease prevention are examined. Topics include exploring theory-based approaches to lifestyle and behavior modification to advance the health and nutriture status of individuals and communities, development of culturally and age-appropriate health promotion practices, current research on the ways diet, environment and nutrition influence the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases at individual and population levels, and best-practices in health promotion. Students develop a practical approach to explore or address health promotion and disease prevention for a target population.


Required Readings

Nnakwe, N. E. Community nutrition: Planning health promotion and disease prevention, 3e. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-1082-3

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Program Objectives

  • Develop and utilize nutrition concepts and best-practices for nutrition and health promotion initiatives
  • Apply core research principles to measure the nutrition status and environment of individuals and communities
  • Develop communications and collaboration strategies with representatives from government, non-profit, community, and business entities regarding nutrition initiatives
  • Interpret and modify explanations of complex nutrition concepts for various audiences
  • Research, develop and disseminate evidence-based and theory-driven educational materials and work-products at an audience appropriate level for topics related to nutrition and health promotion

Course Outcomes/Objectives

  • Examine the importance of community in public health nutrition
  • Describe the nutritional composition of health-promoting diets, with examples from traditional diets worldwide and current research on nutrition interventions
  • Analyze challenges to healthy eating specific to developed countries, particularly the US
  • Explain nutritional challenges and best practices in health promotion for each of the life stages
  • Compare major behavior-change theories and their application to the field of nutrition interventions
  • Discuss the importance and best practices for creating behavior-change nutritional interventions that are culturally sensitive and appropriate
  • Model best practices in communication of nutrition messages to educate a variety of demographic groups on the relationship between nutrition and chronic disease
  • Apply methods of program evaluation and monitoring to assess effectiveness of nutrition interventions
  • Interpret current research on worksite/corporate wellness programs



Two-part Key Assessment – Seminar Program and Presentation: You will design a program for a two-hour, live educational seminar on healthy nutrition and lifestyle to reduce the risk of chronic disease that you could deliver to a target population. You will also record the slide deck portion of your seminar and deliver a truncated version of the information you will share in your seminar.

Curriculum Vitae: You will turn in a copy of your CV.

Pamphlet: You will create a pamphlet to introduce the concept of healthy defaults.

Summary Chart: You will complete a summary chart detailing major constructs of each behavior change theory.

Literature Review: You will complete a literature review related to the information covered in your seminar. 

Blog Post: You will write a blog post/short article on the nutrition topic you’ve selected for your final project,  written specifically for your target audience.

Discussion Board:

You will be required to participate in discussions. Initial posts are due on Sundays, and responses are due by Wednesday. If the initial post and response are not submitted within the discussion week you will be given a zero. Posts submitted after the discussion week will not be graded. 

Your success in the course relies on a robust discussion, critical thinking, and peer response. Weekly posts responding to prompts posed are meant to facilitate a deeper understanding of the broader themes of the course as well as enrich the readings, handouts, and lectures. Your initial response should be no less than 400 words. Peer-responses should be no less than 200 words and must be thoughtful, contain compliment as well as constructive criticism, and maintain a professional tone.

Specific statements about nutrition and health outcomes should be supported appropriately with citations of peer-reviewed research.

Furthermore, in regard to all assignments, please observe the following:

  • All assignments must be completed using AMA formatting where appropriate.
  • All times refer to Eastern Time (ET).
  • All questions about assignments and all questions, in general, should be sent through email.

Writing Statement

As professionals in the field, you will consistently be expected to clearly and concisely articulate advanced concepts for diverse audiences at a variety of educational levels.

Graduate students are expected to integrate and apply current scientific evidence and scholarly practice guidelines when completing assignments. Theories, ideas, concepts, and other information obtained or generated through review of the scholarly literature must be synthesized and summarized across multiple sources and correctly attributed.

Graduate students are expected to produce work that is their own and that is their best quality work. Students are expected to screen and proofread their work prior to submission for proper attribution of sources and authority, clarity, grammar, spelling, formatting, and mechanical issues.

While there is often a portion of each assignment’s rubric dedicated specifically to grammar, spelling, mechanics, and formatting, it is critical to understand that failure to submit work that has been adequately proofed may result in a reduction of points in other areas of the rubric. These may include, but are not limited to metrics rating professionalism or content knowledge and synthesis; work submitted in graduate courses should provide evidence of strategic reading, writing, and academic speaking skills essential for success in the discipline.

Please note that the Graduate Programs in Applied Nutrition, which includes the Doctor of Clinical Nutrition program, holds the position that Grammarly and other artificial intelligence (AI) writing and generative technology should not be used when completing course assignments, unless explicitly permitted by course faculty and assignment instructions. These tools do not support a student’s personal and direct capacity to develop and hone skills in creativity, logic, critical thinking, analysis, evaluation, theorization, and writing, which are central to graduate level rigor, assessment, and research. Use of these tools may result in an academic integrity infraction.

Grading Policy

Your grade in this course will be determined by the following criteria:

Grade Breakdown

Curriculum Vitae 3
Student Syllabus Contract1
Healthy Defaults How-To Pamphlet10
Key Assessment Draft Outline and Literature Review5
Summary Chart10
PowerPoint Slide Deck10
Blog Post10
Key Assessment: Seminar Program and Presentation30
Reflection/ePortfolio Prompt5
Discussion Board16

Grade Scale

Grade Points Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 94 – 100% 4.00
A- 90 – 93% 3.75
B+ 87 – 89% 3.50
B 84 – 86% 3.00
B- 80 – 83% 2.75
C+ 77 – 79% 2.50
C 74 – 76% 2.00
C- 70 – 73% 1.75
D 64 – 69% 1.00
F 00 – 63% 0.00


Weekly Dates

  • Week 1: Jun 28 – Jul 4
  • Week 2: Jul 5 – Jul 11
  • Week 3: Jul 12 – Jul 18
  • Week 4: Jul 19 – Jul 25
  • Week 5: Jul 26 – Aug 1
  • Week 6: Aug 2 – Aug 8
  • Week 7: Aug 9 – Aug 15
  • Week 8: Aug 16 – Aug 20

Week One: Community Nutrition

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Define community nutrition and its role in public health nutrition and prevention of chronic disease
  • Describe the nutritional composition of health-promoting diets followed in traditional diets worldwide
  • Describe current research on weight loss, reducing risk of chronic disease, and reversing disease using diet

Week 1 Lectures


  • Chapters 1 and 8 of text (Community Nutrition and Public Health & Nutrition During Pregnancy and Infancy)
  • Tomayko EJ, Prince RJ, Cronin KA, et al. Healthy Children, Strong Families 2: A randomized controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle intervention for American Indian families designed using community-based approaches. Clin Trials. 2017;14(2):152-161.
  • Selection from Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report:
    Part B. Chapter 1 Introduction (this covers their conceptual model for nutrition and health promotion which includes the role of community)
  • See course for additional readings

Recommended Resource

  • Buettner D. The blue zones: 9 lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest. National Geographic Books; 2012.


Curriculum Vitae Submission

Week 1 Discussion


Week Two: The Food Environment

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Define the obesogenic food environment
  • Describe challenges to healthy eating due to the physical/built environment, economic policy, and cultural norms
  • Discuss successful intervention programs designed to circumnavigate the challenges of the food environment

Week 2 Lectures


  • Chapters 9 and 17 in the text (Nutrition in Childhood and Adolescence & Marketing Nutrition Programs and the Role of Food Industry in Food Choice)
  • Cohen DA. Obesity and the built environment: changes in environmental cues cause energy imbalances. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008;32 Suppl 7: S137-142.
  • Loewenstein G, Brennan T, Volpp KG. Asymmetric paternalism to improve health behaviors. JAMA. 2007;298(20):2415-2417.
  • Anzman-Frasca S, Mueller MP, Sliwa S, et al. Changes in children’s meal orders following healthy menu modifications at a regional U.S. restaurant chain. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015;23(5):1055-1062.
  • See course for additional readings.


Design a pamphlet

Week 2 Discussion

Week Three: Nutritional Challenges Across Life Stages and Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Groups

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Describe nutritional challenges across life stages and socioeconomic and racial/ethnic groups in the US
  • Describe the prevalence of chronic disease within each group, particularly as it relates to nutrition
  • Discuss health disparities by socioeconomic and racial/ethnic subgroups
  • Describe best practices and examples of nutrition education and interventions appropriate to population subgroups by age and race/ethnicity

Week 3 Lectures


  • Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes
  • Krueger PM, Reither EN. Mind the gap: race/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in obesity. Curr Diab Rep. 2015;15(11):95.
  • Chapter 10 (Adulthood: Special Health Issues)
  • See course for additional readings


Key Assessment draft outline and Literature Review

Week 3 Discussion

Week Four: Major Behavior Change Theories

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the major behavior-change theories, including the Ecological Model, Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Stages of Change
  • Discuss the strength of evidence supporting each theory’s use in the context of nutrition
  • Discuss the importance of social support and social networks in facilitating and maintaining dietary behavior change

Week 4 Lectures


  • Chapter 13 of text (Theories and Models for Health Promotion and Changing Nutrition Behavior)
  • Spahn JM, Reeves RS, Keim KS, et al. State of the evidence regarding behavior change theories and strategies in nutrition counseling to facilitate health and food behavior change. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110(6):879-891.
  • Christakis NA, Fowler JH. Social contagion theory: examining dynamic social networks and human behavior. Stat Med. 2013;32(4):556-577.


Summary Chart

Week 4 Discussion

Week Five: Cultural Sensitivity

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the reasons cultural sensitivity is important in community nutrition
  • Describe the role of formative research in preparing to design a community-based nutrition intervention
  • Discuss principles of best practices in cultural sensitivity in community nutrition
  • Describe examples of behavior-change nutritional interventions that are culturally sensitive and appropriate

Week 5 Lectures


  • Chapter 5 of text (Cultural Influences and Public Health Nutrition) pg 117-139
  • Chapter 12 of text (Principles of Planning Effective Community Nutrition Programs)
  • Christiansen K, Gadhoke P, Pardilla M, Gittelsohn J. Work, worksites, and wellbeing among North American Indian women: a qualitative study. Ethn Health. 2017:1-20.
    Di Noia J, Furst G, Park K, Byrd-Bredbenner C. Designing culturally sensitive dietary interventions for African Americans: review and recommendations. Nutr Rev. 2013;71(4):224-238.
  • See course for additional readings.


PowerPoint Slide Deck due.

Week 5 Discussion

Week Six: Nutrition Communication

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Describe theory and practice in the field of nutrition education
  • Discuss the confusion consumers currently feel around nutrition messages in the media
  • Describe strategies for health professionals to use to help clarify consumer questions and points of confusion
  • Discuss principles of effective communication in written format, oral, and via social media for sharing nutrition messages
  • Discuss how messages can be tailored to the intended audience to be more effective

Week 6 Lectures


  • Chapter 16 of text (Principles of Nutrition Education)
  • Tobey LN, Manore MM. Social media and nutrition education: the food hero experience. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2014;46(2):128-133.
  • Snyder LB. Health communication campaigns and their impact on behavior. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39(2 Suppl): S32-40.
  • See course for additional readings.


Nutrition blog post

Week 6 Discussion

Week Seven: Program Evaluation and Monitoring

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Define program evaluation and monitoring in nutrition education interventions
  • Discuss the value of evaluation and monitoring
  • Describe best practices for evaluation and monitoring methodology
  • Discuss the ways in which results from evaluation can inform revision of program initiatives

Week 7 Lectures


  • Hirschman J, Chriqui JF. School food and nutrition policy, monitoring and evaluation in the USA. Public Health Nutr. 2013;16(6):982-988.
  • Wang D, Stewart D. The implementation and effectiveness of school-based nutrition promotion programmes using a health-promoting schools approach: a systematic review. Public Health Nutr. 2013;16(6):1082-1100.
  • See course for additional readings.


Final project due

Week 7 Discussion

Week Eight: Worksite Wellness

Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Define worksite wellness
  • Describe the benefits for employers in promoting healthy diet and lifestyle among employees
  • Discuss current research on worksite/corporate wellness programs

Week 8 Lectures


  • Anderson LM, Quinn TA, Glanz K, et al. The effectiveness of worksite nutrition and physical activity interventions for controlling employee overweight and obesity: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2009;37(4):340-357.
  • Lowe MR, Tappe KA, Butryn ML, et al. An intervention study targeting energy and nutrient intake in worksite cafeterias. Eat Behav. 2010;11(3):144-151.
  • van Dongen JM, Proper KI, van Wier MF, et al. Systematic review on the financial return of worksite health promotion programmes aimed at improving nutrition and/or increasing physical activity. Obes Rev. 2011;12(12):1031-1049.
  • See course for additional readings


ePortfolio Reflection

Feedback on Final Project

Week 8 Discussion

Student Resources

Online Student Support

Your Student Support Specialist is a resource for you. Please don't hesitate to contact them for assistance, including, but not limited to course planning, current problems or issues in a course, technology concerns, or personal emergencies.

Questions? Visit the Student Support Applied Nutrition page

UNE Libraries:

UNE Student Academic Success Center

The Student Academic Success Center (SASC) offers a range of services to support your academic achievement, including tutoring, writing support, test prep and studying strategies, learning style consultations, and many online resources. To make an appointment for tutoring, writing support, or a learning specialist consultation, go to To access our online resources, including links, guides, and video tutorials, please visit:

Information Technology Services (ITS)

  • ITS Contact: Toll Free Help Desk 24 hours/7 days per week at 1-877-518-4673


Any student who would like to request, or ask any questions regarding, academic adjustments or accommodations must contact the Student Access Center at (207) 221-4438 or Student Access Center staff will evaluate the student's documentation and determine eligibility of accommodation(s) through the Student Access Center registration procedure.

Online Peer Support

Togetherall is a 24/7 communication and emotional support platform monitored by trained clinicians. It’s a safe place online to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively, and learn how to manage your mental health. If sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has other tools and courses to help you look after yourself with plenty of resources to explore. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low, or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. You can join Togetherall using your UNE email address.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Students should notify their Student Support Specialist and instructor in the event of a problem relating to a course. This notification should occur promptly and proactively to support timely resolution.

ITS Contact: Toll-Free Help Desk 24 hours/7 days per week at 1-877-518-4673.

Career Ready Program

The College of Professional Studies supports its online students and alumni in their career journey!

The Career Ready Program provides tools and resources to help students explore and hone in on their career goals, search for jobs, create and improve professional documents, build professional network, learn interview skills, grow as a professional, and more. Come back often, at any time, as you move through your journey from career readiness as a student to career growth, satisfaction, and success as alumni.


AMA Writing Style Statement

In keeping with the requirements of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style, 11th edition is the required writing format for this course and is available at both UNE libraries under the title "AMA Manual." Additional support for academic writing and AMA format is provided throughout the coursework as well as at the UNE Portal for Online Students.

Online resources: AMA Style Guide

Turnitin Originality Check and Plagiarism Detection Tool

The College of Professional Studies uses Turnitin to help deter plagiarism and to foster the proper attribution of sources. Turnitin provides comparative reports for submitted assignments that reflect similarities in other written works. This can include, but is not limited to, previously submitted assignments, internet articles, research journals, and academic databases.

Make sure to cite your sources appropriately as well as use your own words in synthesizing information from published literature. Webinars and workshops, included early in your coursework, will help guide best practices in AMA citation and academic writing.

You can learn more about Turnitin in the guide on how to navigate your Similarity Report.

Late Policy

Assignments and Quizzes: Assignments or quizzes submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total possible grade for each day it is late. After three days, the assignment or quiz will not be accepted. No assignments or quizzes will be accepted after the course ends.

Discussion posts: If the initial post is submitted late, acceptance of the discussion board is at the discretion of the faculty. Any posts submitted after the end of the Discussion Board week will not be graded (does not apply to practicum).

Students are encouraged to make every effort ahead of time to contact their instructor and their student support specialist if they are not able to meet an assignment deadline. Arrangements for extenuating circumstances may be considered by faculty.

Technology Requirements

Please review the technical requirements for UNE Online Graduate Programs: Technical Requirements

Course Evaluation Policy

Course surveys are one of the most important tools that University of New England uses for evaluating the quality of your education, and for providing meaningful feedback to instructors on their teaching. In order to assure that the feedback is both comprehensive and precise, we need to receive it from each student for each course. Evaluation access is distributed via UNE email at the beginning of the last week of the course.

Attendance Policy

6- to 8-week courses: Students taking online graduate courses through the College of Professional Studies will be administratively dropped for non-participation if a graded assignment/discussion post is not submitted before Sunday at 11:59 pm ET of the first week of the term. Reinstatement is at the purview of the Dean's Office.

10+ -week courses: Students taking online graduate courses through the College of Professional Studies will be administratively dropped for non-participation if a graded assignment/discussion post is not submitted before Friday at 11:59 pm ET of the second week of the term. Reinstatement is at the purview of the Dean's Office.

Student Handbook Online - Policies and Procedures

The policies contained within this document apply to all students in the College of Professional Studies. It is each student's responsibility to know the contents of this handbook.

UNE Online Student Handbook

UNE Course Withdrawal

Please contact your Enrollment and Retention Counselor if you are considering dropping or withdrawing from a course. Tuition charges may still apply. Students are strongly urged to consult with Student Financial Services, as course withdrawals may affect financial aid or Veterans benefits.

Academic Integrity

The University of New England values academic integrity in all aspects of the educational experience. Academic dishonesty in any form undermines this standard and devalues the original contributions of others. It is the responsibility of all members of the University community to actively uphold the integrity of the academy; failure to act, for any reason, is not acceptable. For information about plagiarism and academic misconduct, please visit UNE Plagiarism Policies.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating, copying, or the offering or receiving of unauthorized assistance or information.
  2. Fabrication or falsification of data, results, or sources for papers or reports.
  3. Action which destroys or alters the work of another student.
  4. Multiple submissions of the same paper or report for assignments in more than one course without permission of each instructor.
  5. Plagiarism, the appropriation of records, research, materials, ideas, or the language of other persons or writers and the submission of them as one's own.

Charges of academic dishonesty will be reviewed by the Program Director. Penalties for students found responsible for violations may depend upon the seriousness and circumstances of the violation, the degree of premeditation involved, and/or the student’s previous record of violations. Appeal of a decision may be made to the Dean whose decision will be final. Student appeals will take place through the grievance process outlined in the student handbook.